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Danny's Tram Stop Photos:
Madrid Metro Ligero 

Metro Ligero, which translates simply to Light Metro in English, consists of three tram lines that all opened in 2007, in Spain's capital, Madrid, which form a small part of the city's extensive metro network. Though tram lines, there is a fair number of underground stations, especially on ML1, which is at the other side of the city to the others (ML2 and ML3, which share a terminus). For more information and history, see Wikipedia and UrbanRail.net. For service and fare information, see the operators' websites: ML1; ML2 and ML3 (Spanish/Castilian only).

My photos come from a holiday in May 2019, during which I unfortunately only used ML1.

Alphabetical Stop List

Here's an alphabetical list of all the stops that I've got photos of (all on ML1):

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