West Midlands Metro, formerly known as Midland Metro, runs between the cities of Birmingham and Wolverhampton, with new extensions under construction or planned within those cities, as well as to Brierley Hill. It is the UK's first modern tram system to have sections where the trams run on batteries. For more information and history, see Wikipedia and UrbanRail.Net. For service and fare information, see the official website. For official information about future extensions, see the Midland Metro Alliance website.
(Published 29th August 2022.) Decided I couldn't miss visiting Birmingham during the Commonwealth Games, so a previous plan to wait until trams were running a bit more frequently following their tram troubles before going on the new extension to Edgbaston Village went out the window. I now have photos of all the city centre stops with their current blue and white signage, and since my last visit new passenger information displays have been rolled out to all the older stops so you can now see those at all the stops I visited. Find the new photos by clicking stops marked First Photos! or New Photos! in the Alphabetical List further down the page.
Previous Updates — Last: December 2019
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Here's an alphabetical list of all the stops that I've got photos of. You might prefer to explore them via a line diagram.
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